Many thoughts are coming to my mind when I ask one question why so many people are lonely. We just need stop assessing people based on their outward physical appearance only if we want to find true lasting love. What do I mean by this? Stop dreaming and wishing to have a perfect person with perfect body and physical features and at the same with all wonderful and commendable human character and behavior...wake up to reality and understand that nobody is perfect and basis is unconditional love to each other .I accept I am not perfect but I dont want to say. I would better say I can make you happy even being not perfect. I am a very sensual, helpful, sweet, kind and energetic girl who likes to live the full life. I am purposeful and I know exactly what I want. I think there is not anything impossible in this life if you stay positive and if you make steps to reach your goals. I am ready to meet my not perfect but special man and to give him my not perfect love and tenderness of my heart.
To list of my interest I will refer to video and photo shooting. I publish and promote my videos and photos internationally and domestically and give you a pretty good exposure. Well, improving videos really isn't that hard, and if you follow just some of instructions and use your imagination. Get a good Tripod and use it, learn when to pan, look into lighting, zoom and use other moves, do a little shot composition, learn your camcorder like the back of your hand, tell a Story, do interviews - it all will bring you and me real fun.
I do not need the prince with golden hair. I am looking for a caring, loving, smiling man, who I can love for who he is, for all his pluses and minuses, and in such way he will loves me.