Alisa ID 618
35 years old
About me
High School
Date of birth
Marital status
never married
Number of children
5 feet 7 inches (170cm)
English, Russian
114.4 lbs (52 kg)


More about me

Relaxed, calm , easy going for the people who see me for the first time. A little sit shy also, as I was told. When people start to know me better, another side of me starts to open, as I was told by my friends. Thoughtful, tender and carrying side. I do care much about people that are close to me and I am always ready to help in difficult situations. I don't have many friends but those one that I have are the closest ones. I think that quality here is more important then quantity. Friends and family are the most important things for me in this life. And when I am falling in love, there is no person in the world whom I would miss more then my beloved. That is why I am careful in the choice of the person, whom I am giving my heart to. Yes, I am afraid to make a mistake but I do not afraid to make an effort cause only those people do not make mistakes, who simply do nothing, right? That is why I am here, to make efforts, not mistakes!


I like to read different kind of literature, from world classics to modern sci-fi. Though among these two I definitely prefer classics, it helps me to understand better people around me, as well as to understand myself. I like dancing, though I am too shy sometimes to go to the dance floor. I can only accept someone's invitation. I like to travel, though I did not visit the places I would want to yet. I don't like being alone, I do prefer small companies or a company of a single person that can can replace many. If you know what I mean. I do like white vine but cannot stand drunk people. I like to fall in love but not blindly. My favorite thing to do when I get some free time, is to walk around the city, especially if the weather is nice. I like to do that with friends of mine. One of them usually. When you are one on one with someone that does create the intimacy that cannot be replaced by anything else!

Ideal relationship

I never had the picture of some "perfect guy" in my mind, since I am not a fairy tale princess. The man I am looking for, he is a strong person, able to control himself in any situation that life would take him in. He is intelligent, fun. He knows how to cheer up someone who got a bad mood. He has a good sense of humor. If I would add that he must play some musical instrument and love his mother then I would sound like Andie McDowell in the "Groundhog's day" But I am not a perfectionist.

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