I am not like everyone, be sure in it. I am kind and romantic, but have strong will at the same time. If I put a goal for myself I usually reach it. I am serious about relationship, and real friend, I think highly of people according to their merits and can not stand gossips. I wend my way through life like a strong personality and only several people know that I also can be weak. I am not an ideal but pretty close.
Although I am a fragile girl, I can not imagine my life without sport ?? I run in the park every night, I have been involved in racing cycle and a few years to go to belly dancing. My profession is a journalist. what ?? why me ?? I am aware of the latest developments in the world in political and public life. I write short stories and articles and publish them in the newspapers. I like myself with photographing, watching football games and favorite movies, I read a lot.
I still believe in knights. Of course in quotes. He can have nothing in his wallet, but to be rich in his soul, he should know how is it - to be a human. He should be able to trust and to forgive, to be honest and kind. To laugh and crick jokes, but the main to be himself.